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*         Two UMS-100 and two UMS-80 units.

*         Diafiltration after third unit.


Thechnical data:



*         Quantity (amount) of devices of division, pieces:   36

*         Automatic control system

*         Type of the device:                                                АРС-10

*         Type of used filtrational elements:                ERA - 100-1016

*         Quantity of filtrational elements, pieces:

- In device ARS-10                                                          2        

- In installation                                                                72

*     The area of filtering surface, m2 :                                  360

*     Nominal threshold of detention, Da :                         20000

*     Working pressure, МPа, no more:                                     0.8

*     Temperature of a working environment, C:                55

*     рН:                                                                                         2. 11

*     Voltage, V:                                                                           380

*     Frequency, Hz:                                                                      50

*     Power, kw:                                                                           33.9

*     Overall dimensions, mm:

- Length                                                                          3000

- Width                                                                             3000

- Height                                                                           2100

*     Weight, kg:                                                                        1800



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